Drawing App

Become a digital Bob Ross! With our app, use your mouse or touchpad as your paintbrush! What are you waiting for? Get your Bob Ross on!

Start Drawing
drawing smiley animation


Free Form

With your mouse/touchpad, draw free form lines. Squiggle all over your canvas and create intricate patterns. Infinite possibilities to explore or just draw hi.

Rectangles & Circles

We understand you might be square (pun-intended) and only want to draw shapes. We implemented a feature for you to click and drag to create rectangles and circles on the canvas

Between The Lines

OCD? Shaky hands? Say no more! We have a line feature to make perfect straight lines. No need for a steady hand if you need a straight line.

Different Strokes

We got different strokes for different folks. Choose from four different thickness for the tools at your disposable.

Taste The Rainbow

We lied, you can't taste the rainbow, but you have infinite colors to choose from. You can definitely create a rainbow, but please don't lick your screen hoping to taste the colors.

Mistakes Happen

Fear not! With our undo/eraser feature you can clean parts of you canvas or revert back to your last drawing action. We save every action you do even if you accidentally clear your canvas.

Super Size Me

Just like McDonald's, we provided the option to work on a large canvas. Our canvas fits to the size of your browser window. Any size you want! Well... as big as your browser can get.

Memories To Share

Can you draw a cat likes our? If you can, go ahead and save and share it with us! Oh yeah, by the way did we tell you we have a download feature?


Hiring Hackathon For Jr Web Devs

This application was built as part of the Mintbean junior developer hackathon.

The goal was to design a drawing application that allows users to become Bob Ross.

Link to the Project Brief

Link to the Github Repositroy

    Technologies Used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap v5
  • JavaScript
  • Canvas API


profile image of Michael

Michael Tran

Front End Web Developer Designer

Previously an inside sales representative, project coordinator, supply chain coordinator and UX designer. Now an aspiring full stack developer that started his journey back in April 2021.


Cooking | Gaming | Music | Dance | Fitness


HTML5 | CSS3 | Bootstrap | Material UI | JavaScript | jQuery | React | mySQL

Technologies Interested In:

Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | Python | Django

Yehan's Logo

Yehan Nilanga

Front End Web Developer

An aspiring front end developer. I am very interested in learning new technologies and frame works related to front end. I enjoy building websites as a hobby.


Cooking | Gaming | Fitness


HTML5 | CSS3 | Bootstrap | JavaScript| Java | C++ | C# | PHP

Technologies Interested In:

React | Angular | Tailwind | Python